Sdružení ARACHNE o.s.

Welcome to the pages of the Arachne Association, Prague, Czech Republic

Arachne Association

     The Arachne Association was founded by several university students in 1999. Presently, the association has 12 members. It was founded as a non profitable and non government association for purpose of the biological summer courses.
     The first Arachne course was organised in 1998. First biological courses ran together with the Mathematical-Physical Summer Course (organised by the Faculty of Mathemathics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague). Since 2001 the Biological Courses are organised independently.

Why Arachne?
     The name originates from the similarity with spider web - our course connects various activities and people into one marvellous whole.

Biological Summer Courses Arachne
     The summer course has been designed as an residential summer course for talented high school students from the Czech Republic. It continues in a long tradition of educational summer courses in our country. The course lasts two weeks and 30-38 students participate usually. Since 2000, we have organized also further short-term spring and autumn courses. Partnership with Faculty of Science of the Charles University represents one of the key stones in the organisation. First, the partnership brings us an essential source of money from the Biological Section of the faculty. Furthermore, we are supplied with standard scientific equipment. We use high quality scientific microscopes, dissecting microscopes and laboratory and field equipment borrowed from Depts. of Microbiology, Zoology and Botany.

     If you want, you can learn more from our poster and lecture presented at the 9th ECHA Conference in Pamplona, Spain. In the last paper, you may also share our experiences from the conference: